I'm also thinking of having it ignite the tiles in front of you as well as throw a projectile

Infects an enemy with a damage over time.New Ability: Necromancer, infectious disease.- Balance Tweak: made shock longer range.- Enemies can now have different poison amounts (RFII just had 2 damage a tick for 10 turns or something).- Poison is no longer just a status effect but rather accumulates on the player and you can see its total damage on your health bar.Balance Fix: drop wall rooms no longer spawn on MDI:1.Balance Fix: made elephants slower and removed berserk since they appear in packs and its a bit much.Bug Fix: elephants stun locking with trample.New Enemy Type: Jaguar, just simple fast moving enemy that will eventually conceal itself in long grass and have a leaping attack.

New Enemy Type: Clockword Rhino that charges towards you (like orbs of fire).New Enemy Type: Corrosive slime that damages your modded weapons when you attack it.B) More importantly to start putting in monster fortresses, special puzzle rooms, boss rooms, boss arenas, that sort of thing.A) to differentiate the zones by giving each zone special shaped rooms.Right now there's just a few generic ones. Got the foundation of spawning vaults (pre-made rooms) in place of rooms.Athletics Talent: strafe attack, allows you to automatically make a melee or ranged attack at the nearest enemy when moving, as long as you are not moving away.the enemy will attack your previous location (only works with range right now, eventually with melee as well). Athletics skill: increases your chance to strafe dodge an attack i.e.Athletics Skill: increases your chance to dodge attacks.Note: charm and confusion may eventually end up on a separate 'enchanter' class along with some other non-direct damage stuff.